您必须首先通过以下网站申请全球入境计划 DHS 可信旅客计划 网站。您需要支付100美元的5年会员费。您还需要填写有关您背景的问题。
注意:如果您使用以下之一支付,则可以免除100美元的费用 这些旅行信用卡 .
恭喜!您已有条件获得全球入境的批准。下一步是 安排您的面试 在 Portland, OR Enrollment Center.
8337 NE Alderwood Rd
U.S. Customs and Border Protection Area Port
Portland, OR 97220
电话号码: +1 (503) 326-7063
路线: The Global Entry enrollment center is located in the Area Port Office building for U.S. Customs and Border Protection, located at the intersection of NE 82nd Ave and Alderwood Rd. Directions : coming from I-205, proceed west on NE Airport Way to NE 82nd Ave, proceed south on NE 82nd Ave to NE Alderwood Rd and turn left, and immediately into the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Area Port parking lot. Entrance to the Enrollment Center is through the front main entrance, firearm's or other weapons are not permitted .
备注: The Portland Global Entry Enrollment Center is CLOSED on Thursdays and Weekends, appointment interviews are conducted M-T-W-F, 0900-1445 local time.