
Norfolk EC

当前等待时间: N/A 天


本指南将帮助您了解在此预订全球入境面试所需的一切 Norfolk EC.

第1步 - 申请全球入境

您必须首先通过以下网站申请全球入境计划 DHS 可信旅客计划 website. You will be asked to pay a $120 fee for a 5 year membership. You will also have to fill out questions regarding your background.

Note: You are able to waive the $120 fee if you pay using one of 这些旅行信用卡 .


第2步 - 等待有条件批准



第3步 - 安排您的全球入境面试

恭喜!您已有条件获得全球入境的批准。下一步是 安排您的面试 在 Norfolk EC.

  • 点击下面的按钮打开DHS 可信旅客计划网站。
  • 向下滚动到您所在的州 (VA)
  • 点击 Norfolk EC
  • 点击"选择此位置"按钮查看可用的时间段 Norfolk EC

第4步 - 跳过全球入境面试等待时间

您可能会注意到 Norfolk EC 显示"该位置没有可用的预约",或下一个可用预约要等几个月。



这正是 全球入境预警 所做的。我们监控面试时段 Norfolk EC 并在预约开放时向您发送短信提醒。这样,您就可以跳过漫长的等待时间,最快在本周预订面试。



Norfolk EC 详情

Norfolk EC Map

U.S. Customs House
101 E Main St
Norfolk, VA 23510

电话号码: +1 (757) 533-4286

路线: Directions to Port Office Points South Take I-95 North toward Richmond. Exit at US-58 East toward Emporia/Norfolk. Proceed approximately 68 miles. Take ramp toward I-264 East/Portsmouth/I-64/Norfolk/US-13 North/VA Beach. Merge onto I-664 South/Hampton Roads. Merge onto I-264 East toward Portsmouth/Norfolk. Exit at Waterside Drive. Continue on waterside drive and make right turn onto Martin’s Lane. Turn left on East Main Street to Customhouse (1 block on left). Points North Take I-95 South toward Richmond, VA. Exit at I-295 South toward Rocky Mount. Exit at I-64 East toward Norfolk/Virginia Beach. Stay on I-64 and proceed through the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel. Continue on I-64 to the exit for I-264 West toward Norfolk. Continue on I-264. Exit at Waterside Drive. Continue on waterside drive and make right turn onto Martin’s Lane. Turn left on East Main Street to Customhouse (1 block on left). This is located directly across from the Hilton Norfolk The Main hotel. Upon arrival to the U.S. Customhouse your will see the granite stairs, the public door is to the left of the stairs on the ground level. There is no public parking available at the U.S Customhouse but there are several city owned parking garages close by. The closest being Town Park Garage at 110 West Main Street, Norfolk, VA 23510 and the are meters on the street that may be available. Please log into https://www.norfolk.gov/445/Parking-Rates for current rates.

备注: Please ensure you bring your current passport and state ID i.e. Drivers License, Real ID card. The lobby of the U.S. Customhouse has limited seating. Additionally, there are no public restrooms available. By appointment only, no walkins.will be allowed.

What to Bring to Your Interview

Make sure to bring the following documents to your Global Entry interview at Norfolk EC:

Tips for a Successful Interview

Follow these tips to ensure a smooth Global Entry interview experience:

