Albuquerque Enrollment Center

当前等待时间: 0 天


本指南将帮助您了解在此预订全球入境面试所需的一切 Albuquerque Enrollment Center.

第1步 - 申请全球入境

您必须首先通过以下网站申请全球入境计划 DHS 可信旅客计划 网站。您需要支付100美元的5年会员费。您还需要填写有关您背景的问题。

注意:如果您使用以下之一支付,则可以免除100美元的费用 这些旅行信用卡 .


第2步 - 等待有条件批准



第3步 - 安排您的全球入境面试

恭喜!您已有条件获得全球入境的批准。下一步是 安排您的面试 在 Albuquerque Enrollment Center.

  • 点击下面的按钮打开DHS 可信旅客计划网站。
  • 向下滚动到您所在的州 (NM)
  • 点击 Albuquerque Enrollment Center
  • 点击"选择此位置"按钮查看可用的时间段 Albuquerque Enrollment Center

第4步 - 跳过全球入境面试等待时间

您可能会注意到 Albuquerque Enrollment Center 显示"该位置没有可用的预约",或下一个可用预约要等几个月。



这正是 全球入境预警 所做的。我们监控面试时段 Albuquerque Enrollment Center 并在预约开放时向您发送短信提醒。这样,您就可以跳过漫长的等待时间,最快在本周预订面试。



Albuquerque Enrollment Center 详情

Albuquerque Enrollment Center Map

Albuquerque International Sunport
2200 Sunport Blvd SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106

电话号码: +1 (505) 346-6994

路线: Located inside the Albuquerque International Sunport on the ticketing level, west end, next to United Airlines counter. Exit I-25 ramp 221

备注: The Port of Albuquerque only accepts payments in the form of Credit and Debit cards. -PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR PASSPORT AND OTHER RELEVANT TRAVEL DOCUMENTS- -IF YOU ARE INTERVIEWING FOR GLOBAL ENTRY YOU MUST HAVE A VALID PASSPORT BOOK. WE WILL NOT ACCEPT PASSPORT CARDS OR LPR CARDS WITHOUT A VALID PASSPORT BOOK.- If you are a renewal please consider scheduling a remote appointment. (Renewals Only) - To avoid crowding in the waiting room, please do not arrive earlier than 15 minutes prior to your interview. - IMPORTANT! In person interviews are typically full each day so while walk ins are allowed they are not guaranteed. The ability to provide service without an appointment in a timely manner is not guaranteed. IMPORTANT! - At the conclusion of your interview, please exit the enrollment center and wash your hands.

