Global Entry Appointment Alerts


Detroit Enrollment Center Global Entry

Délai d'attente actuel: 0 jours

Guide d'entretien Global Entry

Ce guide vous aidera avec tout ce que vous devez savoir pour vous préparer et réserver votre entretien Global Entry à Detroit Enrollment Center Global Entry.

Étape 1 - Postuler pour Global Entry

Vous devez d'abord postuler au programme Global Entry via le Programmes de voyageurs dignes de confiance du DHS website. You will be asked to pay a $120 fee for a 5 year membership. You will also have to fill out questions regarding your background.

Note: You are able to waive the $120 fee if you pay using one of cartes de crédit voyage .

Commencez votre demande Global Entry

Étape 2 - Attendez l'approbation conditionnelle

Une fois votre demande soumise, vous devrez attendre l'approbation conditionnelle. L'approbation conditionnelle signifie que vous avez été pré-approuvé pour le programme Global Entry, mais vous devez programmer un entretien pour finaliser votre demande.

Le processus d'approbation conditionnelle peut prendre de 24 heures à plusieurs mois, selon le volume des demandes, de votre vos antécédents, etc.

Étape 3 - Planifiez votre entretien Global Entry

Félicitations ! Vous avez été conditionnellement approuvé pour Global Entry. L'étape suivante est de planifier votre entretien à Detroit Enrollment Center Global Entry.

  • Cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous pour ouvrir le site Web du programme DHS Trusted Traveler.
  • Faites défiler jusqu'à votre état (MI)
  • Cliquez sur Detroit Enrollment Center Global Entry
  • Cliquez sur le bouton "Choisir cet emplacement" pour voir les créneaux horaires disponibles à Detroit Enrollment Center Global Entry
Planifiez votre entretien Global Entry

Étape 4 - Évitez le délai d'attente pour l'entretien Global Entry

Vous remarquerez peut-être que Detroit Enrollment Center Global Entry affiche "Aucun rendez-vous disponible pour cet emplacement", ou le prochain rendez-vous disponible est dans des mois.

Alors que pouvez-vous faire ?

Les rendez-vous d'entretien Global Entry sont constamment annulés, reportés et ajoutés. Cela signifie que si vous pouvez surveiller les créneaux d'entretien, vous pouvez trouver un rendez-vous qui correspond à votre emploi du temps.

C'est exactement ce que Global Entry Alerts fait. Nous surveillons les créneaux d'entretien à Detroit Enrollment Center Global Entry et vous envoie une alerte SMS lorsqu'un rendez-vous s'ouvre. De cette façon, vous pouvez éviter la longue attente et réserver votre entretien dès cette semaine.

Cliquez ci-dessous pour vous inscrire et réduire de plusieurs mois votre temps d'attente pour un rendez-vous d'entretien Global Entry.

Inscrivez-vous aux alertes Global Entry

Detroit Enrollment Center Global Entry Détails

Global Entry interview location map for Detroit Enrollment Center Global Entry

2810 W. Fort Street Suite 124

Detroit, MI 48216

Numéro de téléphone: +1 (313) 964-7973

Itinéraire: The Enrollment Center is located on the U.S. side of the Ambassador Bridge at the Fort Street Cargo Facility. Do not panic when you see the sign “no re-entry to the United States”. Most Navigation systems have not been updated for this area. The WAZE app will guide you to the facility by entering “Detroit Enrollment Center (FAST/NEXUS)” into the app. Download the WAZE app from your app store. You may also follow these directions: Step 1) Choose Your Starting Point FROM CANADA: Take the Ambassador Bridge. After the tollbooths, use the I-75 South ramp. Exit on Clark Street. Turn left on Clark Street. Turn left on Grand Blvd West. Follow the bridge to Canada sign. FROM I-75: Take the exit 47 B Bridge to Canada. Follow the bridge to Canada sign. FROM I-94: Take the exit 213 B to I-96E. Take the exit 192 B Bridge to Canada. Follow the bridge to Canada sign. FROM I-96: Take the exit 192 B Bridge to Canada. Follow the bridge to Canada sign. Step 2) Do not panic when you see the sign “No Re-Entry to the United States”. Step 3) Continue on the service route that leads to the Ambassador Bridge. Step 4) Merge left and you will see a blue sign on the left hand side of the road that says “Cargo Facility / Enrollment Center” and proceed underneath the bridge. Step 5) Under the bridge, you will find a key pad, please press button to be remotely greeted. Step 6) After you are released, approach the gate and wait for it to open. Turn right and continue to the second building on your left. Park in the designated NEXUS/FAST parking area.

Remarques: Thank you for scheduling your appointment at the Detroit Enrollment Center (EC), Detroit, MI. Please print and follow the instructions to assist you during your visit. Firearms and Weapons of any kind are not allowed anywhere within the Fort Street Cargo Facility. Due to Limited Parking, you will not be allowed in our facility more than thirty minutes in advance of your appointment time. In response to the threat of COVID-19, the Enrollment Center (EC) is taking necessary precautions to keep its employees and the public safe and healthy by implementing safety measures to promote social distancing. CBP will continue to support the whole-of-government response to the outbreak and follow the State of Michigan mandated guidelines. All applicants arriving to the Detroit EC are required to practice social distancing (face masks are optional). Documents to Bring: Proof of Citizenship, Driver License, proof of employment, and any other supporting documents you believe will assist with your application, such as Certified Court Disposition for Arrest (if you were ever arrested). Special instructions for applicants: Firearms and Weapons of any kind are not allowed anywhere within the Facility. If using a Rideshare Service (Uber/Lyft) please ask your driver to wait for you until your interview is completed. Food or Drinks are not allowed in the EC. Electronic Communications Devices must be turned off. Due to limited space, event access is strictly limited to the applicant/s being interviewed (excluding minor children). Additional guest may be asked to wait in the vehicle. Due to Limited Parking, You will not be allowed in our facility more than one hour in advance of your appointment time. For more information, go to

What to Bring to Your Interview

Make sure to bring the following documents to your Global Entry interview at Detroit Enrollment Center Global Entry:

Tips for a Successful Interview

Follow these tips to ensure a smooth Global Entry interview experience:

Prêt à réserver votre entretien ?

Inscrivez-vous et recevez 30 jours d'alertes SMS pour les rendez-vous d'entretien ouverts près de chez vous.