
Milwaukee Enrollment Center

Tiempo de espera actual: 51 días

Guía para la Entrevista de Global Entry

Esta guía le ayudará con todo lo que necesita saber para prepararse y reservar su entrevista de Global Entry en Milwaukee Enrollment Center.

Paso 1 - Solicitar Global Entry

Primero debe solicitar el programa Global Entry a través de DHS Trusted Traveler Programs website. You will be asked to pay a $120 fee for a 5 year membership. You will also have to fill out questions regarding your background.

Note: You are able to waive the $120 fee if you pay using one of estas tarjetas de crédito de viaje .

Comience su Solicitud de Global Entry

Paso 2 - Espere la aprobación condicional

Después de enviar su solicitud, tendrá que esperar la aprobación condicional. La aprobación condicional significa que ha sido preaprobado para el programa Global Entry, pero debe programar una entrevista para finalizar su solicitud.

El proceso de aprobación condicional puede llevar de 24 horas a varios meses, dependiendo del volumen de solicitudes, sus antecedentes, etc.

Paso 3 - Programe su entrevista de Global Entry

Congratulations! You've been conditionally approved for Global Entry. The next step is to schedule your interview en Milwaukee Enrollment Center.

  • Haga clic en el botón de abajo para abrir el sitio web del Programa de Viajeros Confiables del DHS.
  • Desplácese hacia abajo hasta su estado (WI)
  • Haga clic en Milwaukee Enrollment Center
  • Haga clic en el botón "Elegir esta ubicación" para ver los horarios disponibles en Milwaukee Enrollment Center
Programe su Entrevista de Global Entry

Paso 4 - Saltar el tiempo de espera para la entrevista de Global Entry

Puede notar que Milwaukee Enrollment Center is showing "No appointments available for this location", or the next appointment available is months out.

Entonces, ¿qué puede hacer?

Las citas para la entrevista de Global Entry se cancelan, reprograman y agregan constantemente. Esto significa que si puede monitorear los espacios de entrevistas, puede encontrar una cita que se ajuste a su horario.

Esto es exactamente lo que Global Entry Alerts hace. Monitoreamos los espacios de entrevistas en Milwaukee Enrollment Center and send you an SMS alert when an appointment opens up. This way, you can skip the long wait time and book your interview as soon as this week.

Haga clic a continuación para registrarse y reducir meses de su tiempo de espera para la cita de la entrevista de Global Entry.

Regístrese para Recibir Alertas de Global Entry

Milwaukee Enrollment Center Detalles

Milwaukee Enrollment Center Map

4915 S Howell Avenue, 2nd Floor

Milwaukee, WI 53207

Número de Teléfono: +1 (414) 486-7790

Indicaciones: The Milwaukee Global Entry Enrollment Center is located on Howell Avenue, between Layton Avenue and Edgerton Avenue, adjacent to the Denny’s and across the street from the Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport. Parking is available along the North side of the building. Please enter the building through the East entrance and take the stairs or the elevator to the second floor. Upon exiting the stairwell or the elevator, please have a seat in the lobby. An Officer will see you on camera and bring you into the interview room.

Notas: Please be advised that the Global Entry Enrollment Center hours of operation may differ from the CBP Port Office hours. ***Required Documentation*** Please note that all applicants are required to bring the following documentation to their interview. (1) All applicants are required to bring their valid passport book. (2) Proof of Residence – If the address on your Driver’s License is not current, please bring another proof of residence (e.g., utility bill, bank statement, mortgage statement, etc.). (3) U.S. Lawful Permanent Residents are required to bring their Lawful Permanent Resident card (I-551). (4) If you are not a U.S. citizen or U.S. Lawful Permanent Resident, you are required to bring proof of status (e.g., Visa [may be attached to an expired passport], Employment Authorization Form, Form I-797 Notice of Action, Form I-94, etc.).

What to Bring to Your Interview

Make sure to bring the following documents to your Global Entry interview at Milwaukee Enrollment Center:

Tips for a Successful Interview

Follow these tips to ensure a smooth Global Entry interview experience:

¿Listo para reservar su entrevista?

Regístrese y obtenga 30 días de alertas por SMS para citas de entrevistas abiertas cerca de usted.