Global Entry Appointment Alerts


Moline Quad Cities International Airport

当前等待时间: N/A 天


本指南将帮助您了解在此预订全球入境面试所需的一切 Moline Quad Cities International Airport.

第1步 - 申请全球入境

您必须首先通过以下网站申请全球入境计划 DHS 可信旅客计划 website. You will be asked to pay a $120 fee for a 5 year membership. You will also have to fill out questions regarding your background.

Note: You are able to waive the $120 fee if you pay using one of 这些旅行信用卡 .


第2步 - 等待有条件批准



第3步 - 安排您的全球入境面试

恭喜!您已有条件获得全球入境的批准。下一步是 安排您的面试 在 Moline Quad Cities International Airport.

  • 点击下面的按钮打开DHS 可信旅客计划网站。
  • 向下滚动到您所在的州 (IL)
  • 点击 Moline Quad Cities International Airport
  • 点击"选择此位置"按钮查看可用的时间段 Moline Quad Cities International Airport

第4步 - 跳过全球入境面试等待时间

您可能会注意到 Moline Quad Cities International Airport 显示"该位置没有可用的预约",或下一个可用预约要等几个月。



这正是 全球入境预警 所做的。我们监控面试时段 Moline Quad Cities International Airport 并在预约开放时向您发送短信提醒。这样,您就可以跳过漫长的等待时间,最快在本周预订面试。



Moline Quad Cities International Airport 详情

Global Entry interview location map for Moline Quad Cities International Airport

3300 69th Ave
Quad Cities International Airport
Moline, IL 61265

电话号码: +1 (309) 799-8129

路线: The Customs and Border Protection office is located at the Quad Cities Int'l airport, on the north side, in the cargo building farthest to the east. The building is most identified by having a vestibule with a blue brick wall out front. Enter the airport at the Interstate 74 and highway 6 entrance and turn at the first left. Travel past the airfield maintenance shop and go to the last cargo building on the right.

备注: Mask's are required during all interviews.The Customs and Border Protection Office at the Moline Int'l Airport is staffed by one officer only. Please check your scheduled appointment often, as it is subject to cancellation due to other obligations by CBP staff. There are no public restrooms available at this facility. Again, mask's must be worn by all applicants during the interview.

What to Bring to Your Interview

Make sure to bring the following documents to your Global Entry interview at Moline Quad Cities International Airport:

Tips for a Successful Interview

Follow these tips to ensure a smooth Global Entry interview experience:

